REN Beavers and Cubs have been busy raising money for charity.
On Saturday 5th October2019, Cubs from the District went on a three-hour hike starting and finishing at the Winston Churchill Hall, Manor Farm, Ruislip.
There was a good turn-out and £136 was raised for BBC Children in Need.
REN District Beavers went on an Autumn Leaf Walk around Ruislip Lido on Sunday 13th October 2019 and raised £135.20 for BBC Children in Need.
4th Ruislip Charity Coffee Afternoon in Aid of ORCHYD was held on Saturday afternoon
2nd November 2019 at their HQ in New Pond Parade and raised £350 for this very worthy charity.
ORCHYD is a registered charity based in St Catherine’s Road, Ruislip which provides an annual residential holiday for children with disabilities. Their aim to produce an unforgettable ten Days in August for twenty children from around the UK. In recent years, ORCHYD have expanded and have hosted several weekends, one of which was to Disneyland Paris! ORCHYD now also run three day trips every year for small groups of children.