Congratulations to Edd Greer, James Laszcz and James Nicholas, who have been awarded their Queen’s Scout Award in the last year and will be attending the national parade at Windsor while we are on our St George’s Day Parade.
A big thank you and congratulations to the following adults who have been awarded the Silver Acorn for their exceptional service to Scouting:
Paul Akers, Group Chairman, 1st Northwood
Paul Busby, ACSL, 6th Eastcote
Jill Lanning, ABSL, 6th Eastcote and DBSL
And to the following for being awarded the Bar to the Award for Merit:
Roy Lanning, Chairman, 6th Eastcote
Andrew Mace, ACSL, 6th Eastcote
And the Award for Merit:
Mike Bennett, GSL, 1st Northwood
David Burkett, ASL, 12th Ruislip
Simon Dyke, SL, 12th Ruislip
John Field, SL, 1st Eastcote
Janet Fisher, Appointments Secretary
David Horchover, Media Development Manager
Doug Horgan, AESL, Poindextor
Teresa Lattimer, ASL, 1st/3rd Ruislip
Pat Lee, BSL, 12th Ruislip
Jon Miller, SL, 1st Northwood
Ken Turner, CSL, 4th Ruislip